June 2, 2016

Top 5 Reasons Why the Eleventh Doctor is Adorable

Week 2 of Doctor Adorableness. This week, the Eleventh Doctor!! πŸ’–

5)  He's so childish.
He's soooooo amazingly childish. πŸ’– I wanted him to have a kid companion, but if I think about it, he would've never gotten anything done because he'd probably spend it all playing with toys with his companion. πŸ˜‚
Seriously. Soooo childish. πŸ’–

4) He only likes fish sticks and custard. 
Remember when he rummaged through little Amy's food? Bacon is poison. Yogurt is stuff with bits in it. Beans are evil. To bread and butter, he says, "AND STAY OUT!"
But the one thing that this Timelord wanted was fish sticks... and custard. 
So adorbs. πŸ’–

3) He's a silly Doctor.
We all know that the Eleventh Doctor is silly. He's one of the silliest Doctors ever. But he's so silly that this makes him adorable. πŸ’–
Look at dis: 
Yes, it is. I know, it's painful. πŸ˜‚ 
Such silliness. 😍
We all love it when you survive, Doctor. πŸ’–
The Doctor: Right. Perfect. Look at that. What could possibly go wrong? *a piece falls off the console*

2) He thinks everything is cool.
So many things that he thinks are cool. 😊 Such as the fez.
Isn't he just so adorable in a fez? πŸ˜ He's already adorable, but when he has a fez his adorableness meter goes off the charts and he's mega adorableeee!!!!! 😊
Then the bowtie. 😊
AND DEH GLASSES (tho they kinda sad).
Then the stetsons. (River, why you shoot off deh adorableness?) 

1) He's got such an adorable, childish face. πŸ˜Š 
Deh face is de most adorable ting ever. πŸ’– I know at first his face seems weird, but his face is mega adorable to me. 😊
Such adorableness. 😍 

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