May 19, 2016

4 Things that I Actually Don't Like About Doctor Who

#1) The *cough* Innuendos *cough* 
I've gotten used to this particular thing (though I shouldn't have to be... but it used to really bother me and I didn't want this thing to bother me anymore).... but it needs to be said that this stuff really just needs to be left out of all entertainment, and I wish it wasn't in Doctor Who especially. If you don't like "innuendos" avoid the following episodes: "The Parting of Ways" (Captain Jack Harkness does a thing), "The Unicorn and the Wasp" (things implied πŸ˜› ), "Closing Time" (this one really irks me 'cause the Doctor does most of the implying 😣), "A Good Man Goes to War" (Vastra and Jenny and also some other dudes... 'Nuff said), "The Snowmen" (again... Vastra and Jenny πŸ˜’), "The Crimson Horror" (Vastra and Jenny 😐), and "Deep Breath" (Vastra and Jenny πŸ˜‘)

#2) Some of the "Extra Weird Episodes"
"The Unquiet Dead", "Tooth and Claw", "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit", "Fear Her", "The Shakespeare Code", "The Fires of Pompeii", "Hide", "Under the Lake"/"Before the Flood"... to name a few. I just don't like all of the weird stuff... but not like the good weird stuff (cause I love the good weird stuff)... the bad weird stuff... and yeah. I don't like it. πŸ˜›

#3) Ashildr/Me
My opinion is no on this whole character. The Doctor goes to save this girl, and then all of a sudden she's all mad at him for saving her. He should've left her to be The Girl Who Died. I don't like The Woman Who Lived. She's a total meanie, and I don't like her at all. πŸ˜€

#4) The Sisters of Karn
These people are basically the "witches" of Doctor Who, and honestly, they're unnecessary. I wish they weren't in it. If they could've just been left out for all of time, that would've been great. πŸ‘

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