April 28, 2016

What to do with a New Doctor or Companion

So with the new companion being introduced last weekend, I thought I'd write this to help those of you still not over Clara. But, also to help those of you in the future! You're welcome. 

Step 1: Realize that that the previous one is (more than likely) never coming back.
This is more true with the fact of the Doctor than the companion, but this realization needs to be had with both. You loved them, and now they're gone. It's better to have love and lost, then to have never loved at all. Am I right? Let's be happy that they were there for as long as they were.

Step 2: Get excited about the new one!
Yes, that's right. GET EXCITED! They're new! Find some reason to like them. Whether it be their hair, their goofy face, or even a bit of their personality that you've seen! Just find some reason to like this person before EVER even watching the next episode. I know from experience (at least for a Doctor) that if I don't get excited about the new Doctor that I will more than likely not like him as much as the other ones. This is proven by how I feel about Nine. I started on him shortly after I had lost my Fluffy Haired Doctor (Tenny), and Nine was just tainted for me the entire time I watched him. I love Nine, but just not as much as the other ones. So just find some reason to like them before you watch them. ☺️

Step 3: Give yourself time to adjust to the new one.

For me, it usually takes up to three episodes to get adjusted to a new companion or Doctor. Though, it has taken longer for me before. Like for the First Doctor, it took me a whole season to get used to him. So just give yourself time to get used to them, use the excitement from step 2 to aid in this to make it go faster.

Happy traveling! ❤️

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